wednesday, january 29th 2025

“They luxuriated in the feeling of deep and all pervading satisfaction, a feeling of knowing absolutely that all was well with the world and them and that the world was not only their oyster it was also their linguine with clam sauce. Not only were all things possible, but all things were theirs.” - Requiem for a Dream, Hubert Selby Jr.

This book is so fascinating, I’m not that far in to the story yet so I know it will definitely crush me but so far it’s so beautiful.

Besides reading I did some pole dancing today at home, not much but enough to satisfy this need to move. The way I like to practice is to dance to a song I’m fixated on and to do the same combo over and over again to the same song on repeat. When I lived back home this would naturally drive my mother and my sister a little bit insane, so these days I prefer to practice when I’m home alone. Here’s one combo from today.

Tomorrow I’m traveling to Budapest for a few days with my mom, we’re staying with a friend of hers. No idea what to expect but I’ve heard really wonderful things about the city and I’m also just looking forward to spending time with my mom. Recommendations are always welcome, I’m so down to inhale some art and culture.

Made no dinner tonight. Hah.

Requiem for a Dream - Hubert Selby Jr.


saturday, february 1st 2025


tuesday, january 28th 2025