thursday, february 13th 2025

Nina Simone’s 1966 album ‘Wild is the Wind’ is playing on repeat through my headphones. As I walk to the train station, sit on the train, go to the subway, the bookstore, the coffee shop, back to the bookstore, whilst I pick out the books, as I make my journey back home and continue playing the album on the speakers as I arrive home, Simone’s lyrics awe me for the 11th time that day.

“You kiss me
With your kiss my life begins
You're spring to me
All things to me
Don't you know you're life itself
Like a leaf clings to a tree
Oh my darling, cling to me.”

The books I’ve picked out yesterday are:

  • Beloved by Toni Morrison
    I picked this book because I heard really good things about Morrison, but also because I resolved to read more work written by women. Which brings me to the next book.

  • A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas by Virginia Woolf
    An extremely famous, classic and renowned piece of feminist literature. The type of work I put aside because I was always “waiting for the right time” and wanted to be able to absorb and understand the book as much as I could. Now’s the time I guess.

  • One hundred years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
    Also a famous book and writer, he supposedly does magical realism really well which is a genre I’ve discovered through Haruki Murakami, so I’m very curious to dive in.

  • The Magus by John Fowles
    The only book in this list I haven’t heard about until finding it yesterday. I’m sure it will pleasantly surprise me though.

I still have my Goodreads account, feel free to add me there. :)

I’m currently also reading and replying to a few e-mails I’ve received from you
A few people e-mailed me after the newsletter I sent out a few days ago, and it made me feel extremely warm and happy to read them. They were very intimate and shared the good and the bad, their wishes and dreams and the most sweet photos of cats, hobbies and life. It was very meaningful, thank you. I truly hope for this to become a custom.

Right now I’m thinking of what I’m going to make for dinner. Probably a curry with rice.

Tomorrow is February 14th, a day that has become extremely commodified, so I wish you a day full of love without having to feel pressure to turn to over-consumption.

Big hug.

A long overdue picture of our other sweet cat, Fienewien.


monday, 17th of february 2025


monday, february 10th 2025